“Hall of Fame Hero”

“Hall of Fame Hero” is a painting by American born artist Kenneth Michael Zeran that captures the essence of an extraordinary and gifted baseball player- George Kenneth Griffey Jr. nicknamed “Junior”.

The title of the work was inspired by a remarkable feat- election to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown by the highest percentage in the history of the American Pastime.

Zeran commented, “Ken Griffey Jr.’s swing is to baseball as Bobby Jones’ was to golf. A graceful and elegant motion- not found elsewhere in the game. A pose of high handed anticipation set atop a patient rocking stance coiled with spring loaded power delivered in a majestic sweep of lengthy proportion. An explosive instant followed by a light touch of ‘coup de grace’ as the white taped black weapon slides away from his gloved grip.

I have painted a heroic setting mindful of past century portraits of great figures set against an ethereal backdrop of vastness. In this case, the cool colors of Seattle and the Mariners give way to the intensity of power and passion that radiate from his gaze into glory.”

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